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Mr. Bean is Malaysian?

What if i tell you that Mr. Bean is Malaysian??

Check out this!!
Malaysia Identity Card

Lol. This is hilarious!!

What if i tell you that I'm not a pure Chinese??

Check out this!!

Joking la, I'm pure Chinese. * See, Almost 2 months alr, but my hair looks still very short! Wtf.

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Dawn Yang (Dawn Yeo) Before & After

You got to believe for what have seen in the photos below! She, Dawn Yang,  looks totally different before & after she did her plastic surgeries. Spanning outside of Singaporean borders into international internet land, the celebrity Dawn Yang can be seen on her blog and other media outlets as a fashion icon and model. For those of you that don’t know her, Dawn runs her own  blog , which garnered more and more visits and publicity since 2000. Her haters say she’s had plastic surgery and because of her marginally good looks, garners tons of visits. At the same time, she breaks down make up, fashion and style tips for women and has garnered both haters and admirers around the world. Okay, let the pictures do all the talking. Unbelievable!! She turned to a "Beautiful Swan" after she had her plastic surgery. More photos of Dawn Yang before plastic surgery.. Dawn Yang's after plastic surgery photos... 'Am i look gorgeous after i did my plastic surg

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Alicia Liu is a Transsexual?

Yet another model (Taiwan) exposed as transsexual.Her name is Alicia Liu (劉薰愛). She is a new model but currently she becomes very famous in Taiwan because of her gorgeous appearances. Alicia Lee (小爱) born as a boy and had been changed her sex to female when she was in high school. All her sex change surgery fees was paid by her boy friend. (Her boy friend very supportive huh??) So guys, pls beware, when you want to woo a girl, you have to really make sure that she is a female, coz who knows she is a transsexual??!! She is gorgeous indeed Unbelievable! She don't even looks like a transsexual. Alicia Liu (The left) Alicia Liu before sex change surgery Pls check it out her video ads below. (The purple hair color is Alicia Liu)

Jocelyn Wildenstein Before & After

I've noticed that nowadays there are many people attempt to make them more good-looking by doing a plastic surgery. They are willing so much to spend their money even though it costs more than $10k sometimes! For those whom did plastic surgery, i really respect them! Becoz they are dared enough to take the risk! I would say that, a plastic surgery sometimes will not 100% successful! It may fail! If you are lucky, you may become more prettier than before, but if you are unlucky, it could turn your good look into FUGLY! A successful example, Dawn Yang . Dawn Yang before plastic Surgery Before Dawn Yang / Dawn Yeo did her plastic surgery, she had a big nose and her skin is dark. Dawn Yang after plastic surgery She now looks much more prettier than before, after she did her plastic surgery. I have an ex-colleague, he is now nearly 50 year-old, he ever told us that he wanted to do a plastic surgery in Thailand. It costs around RM5000.00. (Face plastic surgery) Is it