Alvin Tan a Porn Star?

Alvin Tan has become a porn star recently?

A film called " Cockasian Love" starring by Alvin Tan and Eden Day is #AMWF (Asian Male-White Female) interracial porn.

This is the first film produced by Alvin Tan personally (i.e. directed by, written by, and starring by him)

Alvin Tan 1st time sex with Caucasian girl ?

His sex video with this girl is coming soon. Stay tuned..

About Alvin Tan:

Alvin Tan has had the compulsive urge to display his penis publicly since he was a child, to the chagrin of his parents who until now want nothing to do with him. To produce and star in a porn has always been his lifelong dream.

People say that we should do what we love. Alvin is not full of shit, so he doesn't say that he loves helping people so he becomes a doctor, he loves fighting for justice so he becomes a lawyer, or that he loves business so he becomes an entrepreneur.

He keeps it real: his passions are food and sex, and he cannot fry an egg to save his life, so being a porn star remains the only legal option by elimination. This is his calling in life, and so far he has loved every single moment of it. He also loves to speak about himself in third person to sound more important than he actually is.

Alvin Tan's Penis