Medan City

Went to Medan Indonesia on last Saturday.

I had stayed there for 4 days 3 nights and although i didn't much like the Medan City, but overall it was still a nice trip.

Medan is a third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. And it's the largest city in Sumatera. Although it's the largest city in Sumatera, but it's just a so-so city. You couldn't find any pub here and I'm wonder how the local people here can stay here without feel bored!! No night life here.

When i stepped out from the Polonia International Air port Medan, I was amazed becoz i couldn't see any tall building in the city. So pathetic!!

I've seen a lot things in Medan that I've never seen in M'sia. Some are really odd to me. Although Indonesia is our neighbourhood country, but how come got so much of differences??

The living environment  here was so pathetic!! (See the photos below) Most of the local people here are fucking poor!! But rich men are damn rich!!The difference is so big & obvious!!

Maybe some of you whom haven't been to Indonesia before might think that the stuffs that sell in Indonesia are much more cheaper than Malaysia, if you think so then you're utterly wrong!! The stuffs that selling here were expensive!! A pair of lousy sandals in Medan, it cost Rupiah 129,000. It's about RM40!! While a swimming goggle sells at around RM120!! (Rupiah 300,000), where i can get it at around RM40-55 in Malaysia.So bloody expensive!!

Wonder know how the city looks like?

The Medan City / Kota Medan

The houses & shops in Medan..
Souvenir shops

A small village in Medan
Well, I managed to snap the place where they sleep. I've noticed that most of local people there sleep on the wooden bed.
                                                             The wet market in Bukit Rawang, Medan
               This is what we called " Tauge" in Malaysia. But I've no idea what it calls in Medan.
'Fried Tauhu'

Of course i was not stay in their village house, but i was stayed in Hotel Sun Yat Sen, or you can call it International Hotelinn. It's located in the Chinatown Medan.
This is how the Hotel looks like. The main entrance of the hotel.
This was my comfortable bed. I slept well on this bed.The air-cond in this room was so cold.
It has purified water too..

I booked through online this hotel for only USD87, 3 nights stayed. That's mean it cost only RM90++ per night. It's worth lo and some more attached with breakfast.

If you would like to stay in Chinatown Medan, Hotel Sun Yat Sen would be the best choice. Clean, good service yet cheap.

Will blog about lake Toba tomorrow.  Nite!!