Jogoya Starhill, KL

Hey, I'm still alive!! (I mean my blog)

I know i had been neglecting my blog for so long time, sorry for that becoz i was damn busy lately.

I'm so tired!! Feel exhausted rite now. Lack of sleep since last Tuesday coz i had been to Metaltech Exhibition @ PWTC started from 3-8 May.

During this period, i swear i almost every day slept at up to 2am! Went there went here looking for nice food in KL until midnite.

(All the photos in this post were snapped using SE Xperia X8 phone)
Except this one...This photo is snapped using Lumix digital camera.
 In Metaltech
Every time when I'm overnight in KL, for sure i will go to Jogoya. One of my favourite Japanese Buffet Restaurants!! Since that all my colleagues had never been to Jogoya before, so i brought them together.
Main entrance

Selected Food pics!!
One of my favourite foods, OYSTER! Totally i had eaten 7 pcs. I still remember that time when i came here in 2009, i had eaten 17 pcs of this oyster!! But this time, i can't even eat more than 7 pcs. Felt weird.
Salmon fish head
I luv to eat this fried salmon fish head, it was so delicious! Must try it when u come here.
Yet another nice food, lamb chop! It was tasty too.

These are just selected food that i had snapped. There are more than 100++ food available in Jogoya!! Definitely i can't snap one by one all those 100++ food. But i swear it's worth for your money la (RM88++), coz as you know that Japanese food usually are expensive one. RM88++ for 100++ food, dai dou lan lah!! Izit?