Part II- Sarawak Cultural Village

In Malay Language, we call it as " Kampung Budaya Sarawak".

A must visit place if you plan to come to Kuching Sarawak!!

Sarawak Cultural Village portrays " Live" the state's rich cultural diversity in one single place. The entrance fees is RM60 per head. At first, i was complaint about the fees coz i felt that it was bloody expensive. Wtf visit to the Cultural Village needed to pay such a lot of money?!! Then, after visited the whole Cultural Village, i had changed my mind. From not worth to worth!! A lot of things to see inside!!

A photo is worth a thousand words, let the photos do the talking!
Main entrance of the Sarawak Cultural Village
After we paid the 60 bucks, then we will be given a green passport. What's the use for this passport??
When we visited each one of the cultural house, then we have to chop in this passport. Well, it's not a pass to visit the cultural houses or ought to have chop, it's ok if you don't want to chop, it's just for your memories.
After chopped passport. Some i didn't manage to get the chop coz couldn't see the chop place / counter. Each cultural house there is a place for you to chop the passport, some are hard to find the chop place, coz some cultural houses (long house) there were no one to help you chop the passport, you have to find where they put the chop. Dunno la if they purposely hided it.
Can you see the behind mountain?It's legendary mount Santubong , fronting the South China Sea. What a scenic view huh??

Bamboo bridge connected to the long house. The bridge is unique but the walking space is super tiny!! Must be careful when walk through the bridge.
Firstly i thought that the hut was a chicken coop, but then found that i was wrong! It is a Penan house. Penan is shy nomadic people of the jungle, they live in the dense virgin jungles of central Borneo, among some of the State's most valuable timber resources. Some are 'coming out' and learning to farm the land, others still prefer their roaming life-style.

Next is, Bidayuh Long house!!
Awesome and super creative!! Sadly that I'm not a monkey lover, if not i would buy it.
Wood crafts.
Really admire their wood craft! They've made variety of awesome wood crafts! Wonder how and where they learned from? How good if i can learn from them!
I've no idea about what animal head bone is that.Not like a cow, like what huh??
This is how they cook. Looks like BBQ huh?
 Izit a praying stuff?
This looks weird!!
Guess what? A long long time ago, Bidayuh =cannibal!! But don't be scared, now Bidayuh isn't a cannibal anymore. They won't kill u. There is not any cannibal found either in Sarawak or Sabah.
Iban long house!!
Group picture 1
Group picture 2
Iban woman
I've noticed that Iban people are talented in making work crafts!

Wild Orchid. 
Ulu long house
Ulu man, was playing their traditional music. He played a very nice music.

Does this an Ulu woman? She more looks like a Malay woman.
Far away, i can see the Melanau long house already. It's huge i swear!
Camwhoring picture 1
Camwhoring picture 2
Melanau long house

Their bed room

Taken from the second floor of Melanau long house, what a gorgeous view! That mount is called " Santubong".
Malay Traditional House
Chinese House
This is an ancient Chinese House. Rarely found in Penisular Malaysia nowadays.
Bed Room
Omg!!1978's calendar!! It's already 33 year-old!!
Yeah, i ever seen this type of calendar before when i was young!! When i saw this, it made me recall back my childhood time. I miss my childhood a lot. 
25-30 years ago, there were still a lot of Chinese people using this kind of stove for cooking. I had seen this before when i was in a very young age. Those time, my grandmom was using this to cook dishes.
Chinese House is the last station in the Cultural Village, after finish visited all the cultural houses, then we moved to watch cultural dances in the theatre near the main entrance.

The cultural dances are performed at 11.30 every morning. You know, our timing was very good, coz after finish visited the Chinese House, it was nearly 11.30am already, then we direct moved to watch the cultural dances.
Dance performed by Iban..Dunno what's the name of this dancing.

Iban ladies

Then, off to see Orang Utan after watching the cultural dances. Will blog about Orang Utan in my next entry.

Okay, good nite! Zzz